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Art with Substance

By January 17, 2017March 29th, 2018Salon Post

A great review of an art exhibit appeared in the Wall Street Journal on Jan. 12, 2017.  The exhibit is “Inventing Downtown:  Artist-Run Galleries in NYC, 1952 – 1965.”  Why did this get my attention?  The exhibit and the reviewer talk about how art had grit and character in those days, art was serious, authentic and created with integrity, before pop art and before hedge fund hyper-inflation of prices for art that, in my artistic humble opinion, really lacks integrity.  It was refreshing to read that artists, writers and curators value art with substance.  And, I think of what one of my favorite Chinese teachers, George Lin, who recently passed away, always said, “if it doesn’t have emotion, it isn’t art.”  I will strive to make my art serious and be full of emotion.