“Snow Whispers Among the Birches” was accepted to the 2014 Sumi-e Society of America Juried Exhibition in September. This is a prestigious show of paintings created in the Asian style…
“Think Like a Tiger” has been juried in to the 2014 San Diego Fair (formerly Del Mar Fair) Fine Art Exhibition, Asian Brush category. This is a traditional ink and…
My Chinese Brush Painting called “Snow Whispers Among the Birches” was selected as the Best of Show at the annual American Artists of Chinese Brush Painting exhibition in Huntington Beach,…
Portia recently returned from studying in China with Professor Su of Beijing University Art Dept. and shared a new technique of painting landscapes that is popular in China. The technique…
American Artists Dream Journey, organized by Ning Yeh, master Chinese Brush Painter and his master organizer wife, Lingchi Yeh, of Oriental Art Supply. A three week journey in April of…
Two San Diego artists, Rosemary KimBal and Portia La Touche, have passed on the tradition of Brush Painting in the Asian Manner from Master to Pupil and created a body…