Exhibit of Asian Brush paintings by Rosemary KimBal and Portia La Touche
Two San Diego artists, Rosemary KimBal and Portia La Touche, have passed on the tradition of Brush Painting in the Asian Manner from Master to Pupil and created a body of Contemporary Zen Art and a legacy which is carried forward from one generation of artists to the next.The intention of this exhibit is to express the importance of learning from the past, as is the practice in traditional Oriental Brush Painting, and then once skilled, leaping forward to define one’s own way. Our art embraces the essence of Zen, and then we have made it our own by adding a contemporary inspiration. This is a beautiful, meditative art form to be enjoyed on many levels – visceral, spiritual, or simply visual.In business we learn from the successes of others, but in the end we must create something new that is our own. This exhibit is our way of illustrating the process of passing on passion and skill from Master to Pupil to inspire others to create their own legacies – in business and in art.
Artists’ Statements:
“By using the fewest possible strokes to show the true essence of the subject I strive to enable the viewer to transcend worldly illusions into the true essence of themselves. The preparation of the artist’s materials is a mindful process, a form of meditation. I select the correct brush for the image in mind, I dip into my ink and in flashing strokes, the subject blooms upon the surface. My dancing brush has caught the essence of the subject.”–Rosemary KimBal
“Rosemary has inspired me with the spontaneity of the dancing brush and empowered me to leap forward to discover my own interpretation of Zen. I am honored to carry on her legacy.”–Portia La Touche[/fusion_text][/two_third]